Duo Eclectique

By chance they met each other in Heusden and soon there was a click musically and personally. Oboist Jurrien Peterse with his broad classical background (The Hague Conservatory) and Eugenie Geurts with her singing skills as well as improvisation and diversity of light music styles (Tilburg Conservatory) proved to be a direct success in collaboration.

Eclectic music is a mix of an enormous diversity of music genres. It combines characteristics of different styles or movements.

Together they looked for compositions in which their playing views could merge and they inspired each other to take on new challenges. They play, sing and tell their experiences in between, and it turned out to be a great success with standing ovations at every concert.

“Music must connect and be an intimate experience for our audience, which certainly includes passion, focus and a sense of humor,” said Eugenie and Jurrien.

After a recent performance, Weekblad Heusden published a nice review. Read: Weekblad Heusden

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